متانول 106007

متانول مرک با آرت 106007

Methanol gradient grade for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® Reag. Ph Eur. CAS 67-56-1, chemical formula CH₃OH, molar mass 32.04 g/mol

Synonyms: ACN, Methyl cyanide, Ethyl nitrile, Cyanomethane


برای سفارش و اطلاع از قیمت با شماره  زیر تماس بگیرید




With their high degree of UV transmittance, low particle count, low acidity and alkalinity and low evaporation residue level, LiChrosolv® solvents are ideal for reproducible separations. Since separations are normally carried out under gradient conditions in analytical HPLC, we offer solvents in “gradient grade” as well as “isocratic grade”. This enables to minimize the gradient effect of the solvent involved.



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